Whatsapp Messaging Limit

This article provides an overview of WhatsApp Messaging Limits, explaining the factors considered in determining messaging limits, such as phone number status, quality rating, verification and conversation count.

Understanding Messaging Limits

Messaging limits determine the maximum number of business-initiated conversations you can initiate using each of your phone numbers in a rolling 24-hour period.

Check your current messaging limits in your your WhatsApp Accounts > Settings tab > WhatsApp Manager > Account tools > Phone Numbers

Messaging limits for business phone numbers without a connected status, a verified business and an approved display name:

  • are limited to 250 business-initiated conversations in a rolling 24-hour period.

Messaging limits for business phone numbers with a connected status, a verified business and an approved display name can initiate conversations with the following number of unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period:

  • 1K unique customer

  • 10K unique customers

  • 100K unique customers

  • An unlimited number of unique customers

Learn more on how initiating conversations with messaging limit works.

Increasing Messaging Limits

Each time you initiate a new conversation with a unique customer on WhatsApp, Meta assesses whether your messaging limit should be increased. This determination is based on the following criteria:

  • Phone Number Status: Your phone number status must be in a "Connected" status.

  • Phone Number Quality Rating: Your phone number must have a quality rating of "Medium" or "High".

  • Conversation Count: In the last 7 days, you have initiated X or more conversations with unique customers, where X is your current messaging limit divided by 2.

If you meet all the above conditions, WhatsApp will automatically increase your messaging limit by one level within a 24-hour period.

If your phone number quality rating has been Flagged for the last 7 days, Meta will immediately decrease your messaging limit by one level.

Here is an example of how you can increase your messaging limit from 1K to 10K in 2 days:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Business-initiated conversations (new)



Business-initiated conversations in last 7 days



Messaging limit



*If the 500th conversation is initiated at 3pm (for example), the messaging limit is increased at 3pm the following day (i.e. 24 hours later).

Here is another example of how you can increase your messaging limit from 1K to 10K in 4 days:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Business-initiated conversations (new)





Business-initiated conversations in last 7 days





Messaging limit





*If the 500th conversation is initiated at 7pm (for example), the messaging limit is increased at 7pm the following day (i.e. 24 hours later).

Phone Number Quality Rating

The quality rating assigned to your phone number is based on the feedback received from your customers regarding the messages they have received over the past seven days. The ratings are as follows:

  • High (Green): A "High" quality rating indicates that your messages have been positively received, and your phone number is performing well in terms of customer engagement.

  • Medium (Yellow): A "Medium" quality rating suggests that there have been some issues or concerns raised by your customers regarding the messages they have received from your phone number. While not indicating a severe problem, it is important to address any feedback or potential areas for improvement to ensure a satisfactory messaging experience for your customers.

  • Low (Red): A "Low" quality rating signifies that there have been significant issues or complaints reported by your customers regarding the messages they have received. This rating indicates a need for improvement in the quality to avoid potential negative consequences for your messaging capabilities.

Check your phone number quality rating in your WhatsApp Accounts > Settings tab > WhatsApp Manager > Phone Numbers tab > Quality Rating column in the table.

What Happens when your Quality Rating is Low or when your Phone Number Status Changes?

If your quality rating falls to a low state or there is a change in your phone number status, you will receive email and Business Manager notifications as a warning. Your status will be flagged or restricted accordingly.

  • Flagged status: This occurs when the quality rating is low. Upgrading messaging limit tiers is not possible during this phase. If the message quality improves to a high or medium state within seven days from the Flagged status, your status will return to Connected. If the quality rating does not improve, your status will still return to Connected with a lower messaging limit.

  • Restricted status: This occurs when you reach your messaging limit. During the restricted phase, you are unable to send any notification messages until the 24-hour window is reset. However, you can still respond to messages initiated by customers.

Improve Your Quality Rating

To improve your quality rating, consider the following steps:

  • Check Templates: Review whether any templates added within the last seven days may be causing issues. Identifying and addressing problematic templates can help improve the quality and effectiveness of your messages.

  • Policy Compliance: Ensure that your notifications adhere to WhatsApp's policies. Verify that your messages align with the guidelines and regulations set by WhatsApp to avoid any potential violations.

  • User Opt-In: Evaluate if you have obtained proper user opt-ins for the topics covered in your templates. If customers have not explicitly consented to receive certain types of messages, they may respond negatively, affecting your quality rating. Ensure that you only send messages they have explicitly agreed to receive.

  • Best Practices: Review your notifications against WhatsApp's Best Practice Guide. Consider implementing recommended strategies and techniques to optimize your messaging approach and deliver a positive user experience.

By implementing these measures, you can actively work towards improving your quality rating, ensuring better customer satisfaction, and maintaining a healthy messaging reputation on WhatsApp.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

❕I assumed that if my business were verified and had an approved display name, it would automatically increase my messaging limit to 1,000, but my account is still at 250. What am I missing?

The initial belief that business verification and having an approved display name alone would increase your messaging limit to 1,000 is a common misunderstanding. New numbers start with a 250-message limit. To escalate to a higher tier, you are required to send at least half of this limit, meaning 125 business-initiated conversations, over a seven-day period. This action prompts an automatic review and upgrade of your account to a messaging limit of 1,000 messages per day, typically processed within 24 hours after reaching the activity threshold.

❕The messaging limit was increased to 1K in Meta, but it's still showing 250 in the YesHello platform. What should I do?

Refresh the YesHello platform to get the updated messaging limit.

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Last updated